# Enter batch code below # Everything after "#" is ignored by the interpreter # Each line can only hold one function # Example Batch programs can be found in the "Batch programs" folder of the installation directory # During a Batch run, text output is presented on the Text Output page and not on the Batch page ############################################ # Example batch program for Case Study Minks # Load data, specify path LoadData(".\data\MINKMUSK.csv") # Specify name of the dependent variable SetYVar("Lmink") # Remove all model selections SelectCmp() # Select component level and set to fixed = (True/False) SelectCmp(COM_LVL, True) # Select component slope and set to fixed = (True/False), and order of trend (1-4) SelectCmp(COM_SLO, False, 1) # Select component cycle SelectCmp(COM_CYC) # Estimate model: BFGS_NUM, begin sample, end sample (-1 for end sample) EstimateModel(BFGS_NUM, 1, -1) ################### # Clear existing plot ClearPlot("GraphPage") # Draw extracted signal # Specify: # 1) Type of component to plot. For state space models: ST_PRED, ST_FIL, or ST_SMO. # For other models: ST_PRED # 2) Name of component. This name corresponds with the names on the Graphics page. # 3) Line type (Solid, Dashed, Dotted, ...). See plot options on the Graphics page for all line types. # 4) Line color, see plot options on the Graphics page for all line colors. DrawComponent(ST_SMO, "Y data", "Solid", "black") DrawComponent(ST_SMO, "Level", "Solid", "tsl blue") AddSubPlot() DrawComponent(ST_SMO, "Y data", "Solid", "black") DrawComponent(ST_SMO, "Total signal", "Solid", "tsl blue") AddSubPlot() DrawComponent(ST_SMO, "Cycle", "Solid", "black") AddSubPlot() DrawComponent(ST_SMO, "Residuals", "Solid", "black")