@article{gorgi2020football, title={Estimation of final standings in football competitions with premature ending: the case of COVID-19}, author={Gorgi, P. and Koopman, S.~J. and Lit, R.}, journal={Time Series Lab - Article Series}, number={4}, year={2020}, publisher={Time Series Lab} } MLA: Gorgi, Paolo and Koopman, Siem Jan and Lit, Rutger. "Estimation of final standings in football competitions with premature ending: the case of COVID-19." Time Series Lab - Article Series 4 (2020) APA: Gorgi, P., & Koopman, S.J., & Lit, R. (2020). Estimation of final standings in football competitions with premature ending: the case of COVID-19. Time Series Lab - Article Series, 4 MLA: GORGI, Paolo; KOOPMAN, Siem Jan; LIT, Rutger. Estimation of final standings in football competitions with premature ending: the case of COVID-19. Time Series Lab - Article Series 2020, 4